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Our Lady of the Snows Parish
4810 S. Leamington Ave. Chicago IL 60638. 773 582 2266
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas
« Como sea tu , será tu fe.
Como sea tu fe, así será tu moral.
Como sea tu moral, así será tu vida.
Y como haya sido tu vida, así será tu eternidad»
Mons.Tihamer Toth
« As your Mass is, so will be your faith.
As your faith is, so will be your morals.
As your morals are, so will your life be.
And as your life has been, so will be your eternity»
Archbishop Tihamer Toth
Daily Mass
Tuesday - Friday
8:30 am.
Sunday Schedule /Misa Dominical
Vigil Mass at 5 pm. (English)
8:30 am. Polish
10:00 am. English
12:00 pm. Español
2:00 pm. Español
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